Donation / Sponsor Letters 

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Image of teens doing the wave in the great hall at the MacKenzie Center

KODA Camp Midwest can be expensive!

While KODA Camp Midwest tries to assist in scholarships, you can also raise money for your camper too! Peer to Peer fundraising by writing donation/sponsor letters work!

So what should you do?

Write letters to any organizations, workplaces, churches, or relatives, and relative contacts. One KODA camper was able to raise funds from reaching out to each of her relatives. Another KODA was able to raise funds from reaching out to a church group. There are plenty of possibilities, but you must do it yourself. Actually a KODA should do it. For example, $10  times 85 contacts brings $850) easily! Based on the director’s observation, the Lion’s Club has been very generous in sending KODAs to camp. Early winter is a good time to ask! Churches have been known to give money to KODA’s. As well as companies parents and relatives may work for. 

Donor/Sponsor Letter

Need a sample letter? Check below! A sample letter should be personal. Write and explain why it is important for you, as KODA, to go. Writing a letter should be done as soon as possible to give supporters time to have their meetings and get funds. Be sure to follow up with each person that donates money with a thank you note! (It also doesn’t hurt to follow up with them to see if they have received your letter if you have not heard from them within a reasonable amount of time. They will appreciate the gesture and know you are a very motivated camper)! 

Donor/Sponsor Letter