Unpopular Opinion: I love KODA Camp’s No Technology Policy!

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Unpopular Opinion: I love KODA Camp’s No Technology Policy!

April 2, 2024

By: Claire Vivanco 

I know what you’re thinking, “you don’t get it; you’re not a camper; of course the staff loves the no phones rule!”

Don’t be fooled, I was a KODA Midwest camper for seven summers. Every summer, I turned my phone too. Immediately afterwards, I felt so free! It really set the tone for me to be present at camp, and to fully immerse myself in the camp experience. Those two weeks without my phone helped me learn very important life skills - and it can help you/your camper too!

1. The no phone policy fosters the “full camp experience”

KODA Camp is a place like no other. At camp we make new friends who we will cherish forever, play endless games, and surround ourselves in a beautiful environment - all while learning about and fostering our KODA identities! The no phone rule’s biggest impact is giving us that full camp experience.

Not having my phone at camp encouraged me to socialize with my peers, and as a result I made lifelong friends.

Not having my phone at camp made me participate more in every activity, keeping me active, creative, and teaching me teambuilding skills.

Not having my phone at camp kept me fully engaged in every hilarious cabin conversation and every KODA talk, giving me memories I will forever cherish.

2 . The no phone policy provides a healthy phone break

If we’re being honest, we all probably spend too much of our lives on our phones. KODA camp gives you the perfect excuse to take a healthy break from your phone! Too much screen time is unhealthy, and a stream of constant stimuli can decrease attention spans. Not to mention the pressures and comparisons social media can bring can get overwhelming! At KODA camp, none of this is an issue. Our entertainment is filled with laughter and games that foster friendships.

3. The no phone policy encourages independence and other important skills

No phones at camp helps campers develop various skills useful for the real world. At KODA camp face-to-face communication is all we have! Camp fosters healthy socialization skills, from meeting new people, working together in teams, and hanging out with friends. The no phone policy helps ensure this. It also helps campers become independent problem solvers. When home is not a phone call away, campers are encouraged to face challenges head on and (with the help of our well trained, supportive staff) learn how to overcome them. Overcoming obstacles makes us strong and independent!

I love the no phone policy. It helped me experience my seven years as a camper to the fullest extent, gave me a much needed break from social media, and taught me what good communication and healthy problem solving looks like. I still support it to this day because I want camp to shape the next generation just as it shaped me. 

Curious as to what exactly KODA Camp’s technology policy entails?

About the Author:

This is Claire's 4th year on staff, and she is from New Castle, Indiana. Some of her favorite things include cooking, pickleball, sharks, and KODA Camp of course! She so excited hang out with all of the new and returning campers this summer. 

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